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November 24, 2007 - 5:35am | Posted by Don

Most of you probably had no idea, but I had surgery on my nose on the 15th. I had a deviated septum and enlarged turbinates (Whatever they are). Basically, I was unable to breathe through my nose very well, some days not at all. Well, the surgery went really well, and my breathing has already greatly improved. I'm still not fully healed, so I'm excited to see how well I can breathe when I am fully healed, since there's already a huge improvement =)

Also, PayPal has approved my transaction dispute for the $3500 thing that happened... and my account has been credited back the $3500... so all is well there, I guess. I got my money back, but part of me is really tempted to try to press charges against the bastard that took my money. I'm sure I'd have no case, and it wouldn't be worth my time to even look into it, but I'm still pissed about it. I need to learn to not hold grudges I guess

I'm not sure if anybody else ever goes out on Black Friday for some deals... but I was really disappointed this year. I used to go out all the time, but this year, there was not one single thing that made me want to go out and fight the crowds, all the sales sucked. I mean, the LCD tv we bought a couple months ago was one of the big ticket items at WalMart, and the big super sale price was $50 less than we paid in August. What kind of motivation is that? Why would I want to camp out in front of the stores for 18 hours to save $50? Lame. Oh well, at least I saved money

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